Transformative Leadership Education

"Real transformation is manifested in changed behavior."
Transformative Leadership, Developing the Hidden Dimension
Transformative Leadership concerns itself with the discovery of the hidden dimensions of leadership that are found within individuals, communities, and organizations – the three integral protagonists of social change in our society.
Individuals engaged in social, economic, and cultural transformation experience deep attitudinal and behavioral changes through innovative and dynamic training and education, releasing their innate powers and capabilities for the betterment of all.
The practice of Transformative Leadership in communities and organizations catalyzes positive change and improves performance within groups and organizations directly influencing social and economic development as all arise with courage, creativity, and imagination to today's challenges.
Transformative Leadership takes on its full meaning when individuals, communities, and organizations apply the 6 elements and 18 capabilities to strengthen relationships at all levels of society.

Our Vision
​We have a world-embracing vision of hundreds of thousands of adults and youth transforming their thinking and developing capabilities that empower service in their families, schools, work, and communities as they deepen their knowledge and practice of the conceptual framework and capabilities of Transformative Leadership. Participants form creative groups that support one another in generating positive change in their surroundings, leading to continual growth and learning, based on application and reflection.

Our Mission
Transformative Leadership Education provides a variety of means for people to deepen their knowledge of Transformative Leadership and support for those who are applying it, including virtual seminars, books, articles, and Community Creative Group meetings in which people from all parts of the world share their experiences and learn from one another. It integrates learning from experiences in applying Transformative Leadership in different contexts, creating tailored approaches for specific audiences.