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Transformative Leadership: Developing the Hidden Dimension


This is the most thorough book on Transformative Leadership, that delves into the stages of transformative learning: providing context, challenging mental models, transforming understanding through critical analysis, adopting a new conceptual framework, developing capabilities, and taking action. Part 1 of the book is dedicated to the "Transformation of Understanding," guiding us through the first four stages. Part 2 focuses on “Developing Capabilities”, including a summary of each of the 18 capabilities.

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​Transformative Leadership: Mastering the Hidden Dimension

Companion Study Guide


This book is especially helpful for those who want to engage in a group study of Transformative Leadership: Developing the Hidden Dimension and delve deeper into the topics. It includes complementary material from other authors, as well as reflections on experience, discussion questions, and more profound application exercises.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Transformative Leadership for Youth


This book is ideal for anyone who wants to use it with a youth group.  It contains a shorter version of the same contents contained in Transformative Leadership: Developing the Hidden Dimension, together with a short Guide for the Facilitator, as well as reflections on experience, discussion questions, and numerous application exercises.

​​​Transformative Leadership for Community Organizations: Heighten Your Impact

The format of this book is similar to Transformative Leadership for Youth, but with an adult audience in mind who are participants in some kind of community organization. In addition to including reflections on experience, discussion questions, and application exercises, it also contains a review at the end of each chapter.​

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