Transformative Leadership Education

Transformative Leadership Training
Transformative Leadership Education is dedicated to empowering individuals, communities, and organizations through the study and application of Transformative Leadership, a new model of leadership that promotes personal and social transformation while cultivating capabilities for positive change at all levels of society.
Cultivating Transformative Leadership

Since its initial formulation 30 years ago, Transformative Leadership has been applied in education, health, youth programs, community development, and in both nonprofit and for-profit organizations in five continents.
The course questions existing mental models of human nature, society, and leadership that impede progress toward a just, united world community, proposing an explicit, principle-based framework that can bolster cooperative action in teams, organizations, and communities. The course is open to all and is especially useful to those who are involved in social action or participating in the discourse of society.
If you or anyone you know wants to improve your ability to initiate meaningful, empowering conversations, register now at https://tinyurl.com/COURSETL

Effective consultation is a fundamental capability of Transformative Leadership.
Consultation is a method of group decision-making based on unity, justice, and seeking the well-being of all. To practice it, we recognize that we only see part of the truth of any topic and acknowledge that by listening carefully, we can broaden our understanding and find points of unity. The course presents a number of guidelines and qualities that contribute to productive consultation, as well as practical steps that can expedite the process of coming to a decision. You can find out more about this free course and watch a short video by going to: https://tinyurl.com/courseconsultation