Inspired by the Course “Cultivating Transformative Leadership”

Naghmeh Katsianos, Voluntary service as children’s class teacher and junior youth animator

Initial Goals

“My goals are to: 1) Use the wonderful information in the Transformative Leadership book to continually assess myself and try to change any leadership style that does not bring unity to my family, circle of friends, and community. 2) Live a mindful life where I reflect on my actions and adjust and tune them as necessary. 3) Increase capabilities in a specific institution that I am involved in and give everyone a hands-on chance to practice certain responsibilities so they can feel comfortable and develop confidence and capabilities.”

Comments on Some Course Topics

Three Group Functions

“I learned more regarding how the unity of the group is at the center of accomplishing anything. As I was doing the mind map on how to contribute to the three functions of the group, I realized that accomplishing tasks and increasing capabilities depend on the unity of the group.

I shared with the Junior Youth group that we have to be the change we want to see in the world: that we could be part of the problem, a spectator, or an agent of change. Then, I asked them what they see in the community that is important to them or is a problem that bothers them, and through consultation, we came up with a couple of service projects that are doable for our small group.”

Essential Nobility of Human Beings

“The power generated by seeing the essential nobility in others produces bonds of love and friendship with all who may cross our path. We see the gems in others and expect them to live up to their potential. This type of expectation empowers those around us. It helps others see their strength and get motivated by our view of them. They rise to their spiritual, intellectual, physical potential. 

If we did not believe in the essential nobility of humankind, it would be very hard to keep any relationship. Knowing that people have the potential to grow and flourish gives us the strength to work through unpleasant experiences that we encounter in life. Life would be very gloomy without understanding this essential nobility. We can fall into despair easily and lose hope. It is hard to live without hope.”

Conclusions and Aspirations

“I love this course! Thank you for writing the book, and thank you to all the facilitators who are offering this course (both for adults and youth)!

The material in this book has tremendously helped me in self-assessment as to where I am and where I would like to be. I have been more conscious of my actions and reactions.

I had started getting away from being a paternalistic leader, and with this course, I am more determined to do that and have taken some more steps toward it.

I have been encouraging my community members to study the book, so we have a common vision and understanding and would be able to work better together toward our goals.

I have been sharing different components of Transformative Leadership in many spaces on Zoom and also in our Junior Youth groups because the information in the book is so practical, and I wish everyone to know about it. I plan to start a book club after I am done with the course.”

“I wish this course was offered in every high school, college, and university. I think it brings awareness of who we are and what we are capable of if we have the volition to practice our nobility and put it into action. If the students, who have a great role in building our society, learn these essential skills, and how to develop their capabilities, they will be able to serve society more effectively. It also helps them to raise children with moral principles. Essentially, they contribute to the transformation of society as they transform themselves.”

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