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A full description of Transformative Leadership

Most books on leadership focus on skills – those visible aspects of leaders that garner applause, accolades, and awards. This book is concerned with what is usually overlooked – the invisible aspects – ones that may never get noticed but without which a leader can never be truly great. We are concerned with that inner dimension that not only enhances important skills but determines if the leader will choose to forgo self-interest for the common good. It is those inner qualities, attitudes, and values that equip a leader to accept personal sacrifice in order to catalyze transformation. These are the leaders we need today.

Transformative Leadership is structured around a conceptual framework with 6 elements:

  • Service-oriented Leadership
  • The purpose of leadership: personal and social transformation
  • The fundamental moral responsibility: investigating and applying truth
  • A conviction of the essential nobility of human beings
  • Transcendence
  • Development of capabilities, including seven capabilities that contribute to personal transformation, four that enhance interpersonal relations and six that contribute to social transformation

You can purchase Transformative Leadership developing the Hidden Dimension here


Practical exercises to do individually or in a group to deepen your study and understanding of Transformative Leadership

Transformative Leadership: Developing the Hidden Dimension taught readers about the inner qualities, attitudes, and values that equip a leader to catalyze transformation. The study guide helps put those principles into practice. Chapter by chapter, key concepts are translated into practical tools for mastery. Using thought-provoking questions, individual and group activities, as well as processes for ongoing learning, the capabilities to affect personal and institutional transformation are simplified into actions we can all take to remake our lives, our communities, and our organizations.

This book is ideal for those who wish to delve deeper into Transformative Leadership by organizing a study group of like-minded friends.

You can purchase Transformative Leadership: Mastering the Hidden Dimension Companion Study Guide here

TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP FOR YOUTH: A Workbook for Empowering Young People

A shorter version of all the main concepts of Transformative Leadership, accompanied by discussion questions and art activities that engage youth and facilitate their understanding.

Often leadership is considered to be the exclusive calling of a few. In contrast, transformative leadership indicates how we can all show leadership at home, at school and in the teams and organizations to which we belong, without the need of authority or a formal position as the head of a group. Transformative leadership puts emphasis on the interaction between personal and social transformation and focuses on the nobility of each human being, promoting an attitude of service, and commitment to moral values freely chosen by each person. Going beyond bettering our understanding and changing our attitudes toward leadership, the 18 capabilities of transformative leadership provide the skills to better direct our own lives and to contribute to an ever-advancing civilization.

Consulting on the elements and capabilities of transformative leadership and carrying out exercises to apply them helps youth get to the root of common problems they face – such as bullying behaviors or feelings of hopelessness. Faced with the tremendous challenges that characterize this stage of human history, transformative leadership gives youth an idea of what they can do to build a better world – starting wherever they are.

Each section of the book includes discussion questions or practical applications, making it ideal both for use in the classroom and with youth organizations.

You can purchase Transformative Leadership for Youth here.


An ideal version for study and discussion with members of your organization

How would you rate the functioning of your organization?  Are you completely happy with it or are there aspects that you would like to improve?

We all want the time we dedicate to the organizations in which we participate to be as harmonious and productive as possible. Transformative Leadership for Community Organizations gives concrete ideas of how all members can contribute to that goal.

By focusing on both personal transformation and group functioning, by discussing what you are learning, and by developing and putting into practice new capabilities, all will gain confidence in themselves and the organization will begin to achieve loftier goals.

The book includes discussion questions and practical applications which help in this process.

You can purchase Transformative Leadership for Community Organizations here.

Also available as an audiobook at

GIVING LOVE AND ENCOURAGEMENT: Easy Practices for Bettering Your Relationships

Explores two foundational capabilities for bettering relationships

Although we often think of love as a feeling over which we have no control, in fact, we can decide to love and increase our ability to love. We begin by using practices that increase our thoughts of love, then learn to be more loving in our words and actions.

Love is also the basis for encouraging others. To motivate others, we need to have attitudes of abundance and acceptance, coupled with positive expectations. These attitudes need to be accompanied by skills, such as praising effectively, helping others to understand the significance of their work, giving them opportunities to develop their potential, and accompanying them with an appreciative gaze.

You can purchase Giving Love And Encouragement here.

BENEFITTING FROM UNITY IN DIVERSITY: How to Use the Clash of Ideas to Make Better Decisions

Would you like to help your family, team, or organization to make better decisions and to do so more rapidly?

Delves into the capabilities of Effective Consultation and Constructing Unity in Diversity

Would you like to better your relationships with those who think differently than you do?

The key to doing so is found in the capability of constructing unity in diversity. By going beyond traditional patterns of interrelating based on unity in uniformity and division in diversity, we discover that diversity can enrich our understanding and lead to better decisions.

We can learn to work harmoniously with those who have a different profession, ethnicity, culture, or way of thinking. By taking advantage of diversity, we not only make better decisions but can also carry out more complex projects than what we could do with a group of people who all think the same.

This book explores the nature of unity in diversity and how to apply it. In the process, it explains the need to use consultation for making decisions. By approaching the topic under discussion with an open mind and the desire to deepen our understanding, we are motivated to listen attentively to others, especially when their ideas are quite different from our own. After broadening our understanding, we then strive to make a decision that contributes to the well-being of all.

This book will help you to go beyond tolerance for diversity, leading you to seek it out and deeply appreciate it.

You can purchase Benefitting from Unity in Diversity: How to Use the Clash of Ideas to Make Better Decisions here.

HOW TO DESIGN DYNAMIC LEARNING SESSIONS: A Guide to Preparing Classes that Your Students Love

A wonderful guide for teachers or anyone designing a learning session of half a day or less.

Have you ever given a talk, a presentation or a course?

When preparing, have you ever wondered what you could do to make it more dynamic and interesting so that the students truly learn something and apply what they learn?

Would you like to learn a method that shows you how to design dynamic learning sessions?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this book is the answer you were looking for.

When you plan classes, are you more focused on what you want to teach, or on what you want the students to be able to do with that knowledge?

Although at first glance, teaching and learning seem to be two sides of the same coin, focusing on our students and what they need in order to acquire certain capabilities influences the way we teach. How to Design Dynamic Learning Sessions presents a methodology that helps us to do just that.

By planning activities based on a learning cycle, which includes experience, reflection, conceptualization, and application, we capture the interest of students, help them to connect new knowledge with what they already know, and to understand and apply what they have studied.

The use of a variety of participatory activities involving different types of intelligence leads to deeper learning.

This book is ideal, not only for teachers but for anyone who wants to give more dynamic presentations.

You can purchase How to Design Dynamic Learning Sessions here.

HOW TO DESIGN TRANSFORMATIVE WORKSHOPS: Helping Participants to Develop Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence

Especially for facilitators or workshops and seminars

We all want the participants in our workshops to truly learn and put into practice the skills they are developing, and it is frustrating when we see little change in their behavior.

 It doesn’t have to be that way.  Participants from four continents who have taken part in seminars designed using this methodology comment on how engaging they are. 

In this book, you will learn

  • How to design workshops focused on the capabilities you want the participants to develop
  • The correct use of participatory techniques, so that they engage the learners while deepening their understanding
  • The use of different types of visual aids and graphic organizers to facilitate understanding
  • The importance of questioning mental models before sharing new approaches to a topic
  • How to integrate different types of motivation so that participants are more likely to practice what they learn
  • The characteristics of a facilitator that lead to deeper learning.
  • The value of forming ongoing learning groups.

Those of you who have read How to Design Dynamic Learning Sessions, written for teachers in a classroom setting, will be familiar with the first three topics.  I review them in this book for those who have not yet read that book, using examples that are contextualized to adult and non-formal education.

The last four topics are new to this book and are especially beneficial for facilitators of workshops or seminars.

You can purchase How to Design Transformative Workshops here.

RESULTS-BASED LEADERSHIP: Heighten Unity and Motivation with a Shared, Principle-Based Vision

Delves into the capability of formulating a shared, principle-based vision

Formulating a shared, principle-based vision is an essential capability of Transformative Leadership that contributes to social transformation and is especially important for teams and organizations.

If you want your team to take more significant action in which all the members are aligned and cooperate in advancing toward clear goals, it is essential to have a clear, concise vision that all have appropriated and which serves as a guide during daily activities and a compass when making decisions.

When your team uses consultation to formulate a shared, principle-based vision, then expresses it concisely, and works with it until all the members fully understand and identify with it, the results will be greater unity, cooperation, and motivation.  Daily activities will become more meaningful and the vision becomes a compass that facilitates decision-making. 

Results-Based Leadership: Heighten Unity and Motivation with a Shared, Principle-Based Vision delves into this capability. The easily-understood explanations will help you to understand the power of formulating a vision, give you a method to develop it, and indicate how to help the members of your organization to identify with it. 

Once you have applied what you learn, your team will have a vision that members are motivated to achieve.  As a result, they will become more productive in their work, more united during consultation, and more willing to cooperate with others in achieving their common goal.

You can purchase Results-Based Leadership: Heighten Unity and Motivation with a Shared, Principle-Based Vision here.

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